Clarice is 4 years old now. She has gotten darker in color now and she is beautiful but still a bit shy. She needs someone who is home a lot to spend time with her. She does love to be pet and get belly rubs
Clarice is 4 years old now. She has gotten darker in color now and she is beautiful but still a bit shy. She needs someone who is home a lot to spend time with her. She does love to be pet and get belly rubs
Brownie is a love bug. He is 7-8 months and full of love and energy. Brownie has eye herpes so he has weepy eyes sometimes and sometimes not! He will sneeze a bit sometimes and sound juicy but it doesn't stop him from playing. He is very active and would be fine if he had another kitty friend or he would be fine without one too. He is very loving and affectionate and really needs a good home! I put Lysine powder in his food daily (it is very inexpensive0 and it really does help to boost the immune system.
Brownie is a love bug. He is 7-8 months and full of love and energy. Brownie has eye herpes so he has weepy eyes sometimes and sometimes not! He will sneeze a bit sometimes and sound juicy but it doesn't stop him from playing. He is very active and would be fine if he had another kitty friend or he would be fine without one too. He is very loving and affectionate and really needs a good home! I put Lysine powder in his food daily (it is very inexpensive0 and it really does help to boost the immune system.
Brownie is a love bug. He is 7-8 months and full of love and energy. Brownie has eye herpes so he has weepy eyes sometimes and sometimes not! He will sneeze a bit sometimes and sound juicy but it doesn't stop him from playing. He is very active and would be fine if he had another kitty friend or he would be fine without one too. He is very loving and affectionate and really needs a good home! I put Lysine powder in his food daily (it is very inexpensive0 and it really does help to boost the immune system.
Mr. Man is a BIG and Beautiful 4 year old male! The pics don't show his gorgeous shiny, silky coat and big bushy tail! He is a nice cat and very friendly with me. He has been with me since 8 weeks old when I trapped him. It took him a bit to come around but he did. He is very friendly with me and loves to be pet but it will take patience when in a new environment. He likes to be pet sideways because I think he is more comfortable that way. Not fond of being picked up but most of the big cats are like that. He needs a home and not the room he has been in all this time. He has a friend in the room too. Clarice is her name-another oddball!. These kitties need someone who is home and has so much more time than I do. They need more attention than I can give. They will come around nicely if someone is willing to put some effort into them. I took them in so they would not be put back outside to live horrible lives but being so busy I haven't been able to give them the time they deserve. You are welcome to meet them anytime.
Mr. Man is a BIG and Beautiful 4 year old male! The pics don't show his gorgeous shiny, silky coat and big bushy tail! He is a nice cat and very friendly with me. He has been with me since 8 weeks old when I trapped him. It took him a bit to come around but he did. He is very friendly with me and loves to be pet but it will take patience when in a new environment. He likes to be pet sideways because I think he is more comfortable that way. Not fond of being picked up but most of the big cats are like that. He needs a home and not the room he has been in all this time. He has a friend in the room too. Clarice is her name-another oddball!. These kitties need someone who is home and has so much more time than I do. They need more attention than I can give. They will come around nicely if someone is willing to put some effort into them. I took them in so they would not be put back outside to live horrible lives but being so busy I haven't been able to give them the time they deserve. You are welcome to meet them anytime.